Delhi Kids Fashion Week Joins Forces With PETA India for Vegan Makeover

Posted on by Krithika Pradeep

Delhi Kids Fashion Week partnered with PETA India recently to feature exclusively animal-friendly, all-vegan fashion. A costumed PETA India “cow” strutted down the runway with a sign proclaiming, “Save Me – Go Leather Free,” and the group operated a booth at the event offering animal rights literature and merchandise, including stickers, wristbands, and balloons, to attendees.

Cows and buffaloes killed for leather are often transported in trucks so crowded that their bones break or they die en route. Sheep are commonly beaten, stamped on, and mutilated for wool. Most animals killed for their fur spend their lives inside cramped cages, where they frantically pace back and forth, gnaw on the bars, and mutilate themselves. In the down industry, birds’ throats are slit and some of the animals are scalded to death in defeathering tanks, often while still conscious. Silkworms used for silk are boiled or gassed alive inside their cocoons, which causes the cocoons to unravel so that workers can obtain the silk threads.

Choose compassionate style. Check out these vegan brands: