
PETA India Investigation Reminds People That Fish Have Feelings, Too

As we celebrate PETA India’s first ten years and many lifesaving accomplishments, we’re also reflecting on the many hard-hitting undercover investigations that have helped to open people’s eyes—and hearts—to …

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Celina Jaitley Says ‘No’ to Zoos

On behalf of PETA India, Celina Jaitley is urging Byculla Zoo authorities to transfer Laxmi and Anarkali, two elephants at the zoo, to a sanctuary, but the zoo seems …

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Shahid Kapoor Is As Beautiful Inside As Out!

Shahid Kapoor is a youth icon and an actor adored by women (and men) all around the globe. Every year PETA Asia picks the hottest compassionate vegetarian celebrity in …

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You Gotta Fight for the Write-To Party

Like helping animals? Like hanging out with other cool people? Of course you do! So why not combine the two? That is just what a group of young animal …

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Join Joaquin Phoenix: Dishoom! Dishoom! Leather Sellers

It’s time to Dishoom! exotic leather sellers. Joaquin Phoenix stars in an exclusive new video to get consumers to shed animal skins from their wardrobes by showing what happens …

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Cutting Edge Fashion and Compassion

Most students use paper for written assignments (or to doodle on in class when a prof goes on and on and then on some more…). But not National Institute …

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Top 10 PETA India Demonstrations of the Decade

During the past 10 years, PETA India has organized innumerable eye-catching demonstrations to call attention to cruelty to animals and teach people about what they can do to lessen …

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PETA India Shows ‘Dancing’ Bears That They Really Care

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a bear out dancing at the club. After all, bears weren’t made to dance. Sadly, that’s exactly what they were …

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12-Year-Old Wins PETA’s Hero for Animals Award

After you finish school every day, are you greeted by a bunch of cute, loving dogs? Twelve-year-old New Delhi student Laura Moll is! Originally from Germany, Moll says that …

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A Victory for Paro and His Pals

If our recent blog about Happy the crane made you happy, you’re going to love this PETA India victory: Pardon the obvious pun (I can’t help myself), but when …

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