
Remembering Steve Jobs

The late Steve Jobs may have been known for his signature black turtleneck, but it is for his green diet that he probably will be most fondly remembered by …

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Promoting Modern Pedagogy by Cutting Out Animal Dissection in Indian Universities

Dr B.K Sharma tells how the University Grants Commission (UGC) has accepted the recommendation of its core expert committee to end animal dissection in university and college laboratories for …

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College Students Step Up for Animals

Throughout the month of September, PETA Youth, PETA India’s young arm, was an official partner at college festivals across the country, where we gathered student signatures for our petition …

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Dino Morea and Slidey in New PETA Ad

Feast your eyes on Dino’s cute new PETA ad with his dog, Slidey.

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Sandip and Jesse Call for a Ban on ‘Joyrides’

World-renowned dancers and PETA’s longtime pals, Sandip Soparrkar and Jesse Randhawa have stepped forward to help horses who are forced to pull heavy carriages for “joy rides” in Mumbai. …

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Celebrities Celebrate ‘Hug a Vegetarian’ Day

College students aren’t the only ones who are going gaga over our “Hug a Vegetarian” Day. Celebrities, too, are getting in on the embrace! “It’s a fun way to …

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Will You Please Give Peas a Chance?

 “Non-violence begins at your dinner plate” – that was the message that PETA India’s Lettuce Lady gave to Pune’s residents on World Peace Day. Check out these awesome pictures …

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Stamp Out Cruelty With a Vegetarian Stamp

How cool would it be to have a pro-vegetarian postage stamp in India, which, by the way, is considered to be the birthplace of vegetarianism? PETA India has sent …

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Girl Power for Animals at Kaleidoscope

Downpours couldn’t rain on the enthusiastic welcome that PETA Youth received at the Kaleidoscope festival at Mumbai’s Sophia College. Petition pages calling for cruelty-to-animals laws to be strengthened filled up, …

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Indian Oil, BP and HP Support Cruelty to Bulls

Don’t you just love our over-the-top ways of protesting cruelty to animals? Now, in keeping with that tradition, our latest tactic was a stage takeover at the India Oil …

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