Valentine ‘Angels’ From PETA India Descend on Bengaluru With Message of Compassion

Posted on by Erika Goyal

Dressed in red gowns and angel wings, PETA India members distributed red roses and Keventers vegan scoops to couples and other passers-by ahead of Valentine’s Day. Holding a sign that read, “Have a Heart: Try Vegan,” the Valentine “angels” hoped to encourage everyone to show compassion for animals by switching to healthy and humane vegan eating.

The dairy industry separates frightened calves from their distressed mothers so that humans can steal the milk meant for them. Male calves in the dairy industry are commonly abandoned, left to starve, or killed because they can’t produce milk, and the beef industry is largely able to exist because the dairy sector supplies it with cattle to kill.

In addition, eating meat and other animal-derived foods has been linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and obesity, and confining and killing animals for food promotes the spread of zoonotic diseases such as SARS, bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, HIV, and COVID-19. A United Nations report concluded that a global shift towards vegan eating is necessary to combat the worst effects of the climate catastrophe.

The classic milkshake brand Keventers, established in 1925, was honoured with a Best Vegan Ice Cream award by PETA India in 2023 for its exciting vegan scoops made from coconut milk.

Pledge to Go Vegan