PETA India Rescues Mother Cat and Kitten Trapped in Ventilation Shaft

Posted on by PETA

After receiving a call from a concerned citizen on PETA India’s national animal emergency helpline (+91 9820122602) regarding a crying mother cat and her kitten who had been trapped for eight days in a building’s 15-metre-long ventilation shaft without food and water, PETA India sprang into action and rescued both animals in a 90-minute mission. The mother cat emerged from the shaft through a window and was then carefully captured by the rescuers, and her kitten was removed from the shaft using a dog-catching net.

Local residents reported that and that this kitten likely fell into the shaft in the process. Neighbours are now looking after the mother and kitten. They’ve started feeding the kitten, and the mother will be sterilised once the kitten stops suckling.

PETA India hopes this story inspires the public to keep an eye out for animals in distress and to take action to help them.

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