
Testing… One, Two, Three

Every year millions of animals are routinely tortured in the name of science. Sign the pledge against animal testing.

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Bryan Adams Wants You to Go Vegan!

Always one to speak “Straight From the Heart” when it comes to animals, check out what he has to say about why he is a vegan in this exclusive …

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Victory! Lipton Ends Cruel Animal Tests

We are thrilled to announce that after more than 40,000 supporters of PETA and its affiliates around the world sent e-mails to the world’s largest tea maker, Unilever (and …

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Chained Elephant Free at Last

After nearly a decade of being chained by all four legs, a 23-year-old elephant named Mariappan was unshackled and removed from a dark shed at the Arulmigu Mariamman Temple …

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Tokio Hotel Says ‘No’ to Circuses

Check out Tokio Hotel’s PSA to learn about cruel circuses, and then take our pledge to boycott circuses that use animals!

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Paul McCartney Wants Our Birthday Meat-Free

Watch Sir Paul McCartney’s “Glass Walls” video and join him in urging the Prime Minister to declare the day that PETA India was founded a “meat-free day” across India.

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I’m Dreaming of a Vegan Christmas!

Christmas is weeks away, but my mouth is already watering in anticipation of a festive vegan feast,complete with scrumptious soy-based meats from Fry’s Vegetarian, mashed potatoes made with olive …

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Looking for Vegan Sweets?

It is always wonderful to make special treats for your friends and family. There are several cruelty free and healthy vegan options available in the market— you can enjoy …

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Parikrama’s Edgy New Video PSA

What do you get when you cross Parikrama and PETA Youth? A hard-hitting video PSA that will rock your world.

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