‘Charred Dog’ Is ‘Barbecued’ Ahead of International Animal Rights Day

Posted on by Siffer Nandi

Ahead of International Animal Rights Day (10 December), a PETA India supporter “barbecued” a “dog” on a grill in Bhopal. The shocking visual sent the message that all animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone; that we all have the same capacity to feel pain and a variety of emotions; and that eating meat means eating the corpses of sentient beings who valued their own lives – just as dogs do – and didn’t want to die.

As PETA India revealed in the documentary “Glass Walls”, buffaloes, goats, and other animals used for food are often crammed into vehicles in such large numbers that many are severely injured or die on the way to slaughterhouses. They’re hit, dragged, and typically denied even the most basic necessities, such as food, water, and veterinary care. At the slaughterhouse, they’re killed in full view of one another and are often dismembered and skinned while they’re still conscious and able to feel pain.


The consumption of animal-derived foods has been conclusively linked to an increased risk of suffering from heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Additionally, raising animals for food is a leading cause of water pollution and land degradation around the world. A United Nations report has concluded that a global shift towards vegan eating is necessary to combat the worst effects of the climate catastrophe.


When it comes to the capacity to suffer and feel pain and fear, chickens, goats, and cows are no different from dogs.

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