Tell Ethiopian Airlines to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths in US Laboratories
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Avon, Mary Kay and Estée Lauder Are Paying for Tests on Animals
For more than two decades, Avon, Mary Kay, Estée Lauder and Revlon have been among the largest mainstream international companies on PETA US’ cruelty-free lists.
Take ActionHelp Stop Nestea From Abusing Animals
Nestea is testing and paying others to conduct painful and deadly tea tests on animals. Tell them to stop abusing animals.
Take ActionTell Canada to End Its Shameful Seal Slaughter
Every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to shoot and smash in the heads of thousands of baby seals for their soft fur.
Take ActionPlease add your voice to PETA’s by letting officials know that all animals who are exhibited or forced to perform in circuses are suffering.
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