Islam and Animals

Posted on by PETA

We hope you are having a very happy Ramadan!

Did you know that most of the world’s major religions teach respect for animals and that that includes Islam? The Quran says that cruelty to animals is equivalent to the cruel treatment of human beings. It also talks about the righteousness of doing good deeds for animals. Of course, nothing could be kinder towards animals than to stop eating them.

Ramadan is a month devoted to fasting, prayer, compassion and reflection, so why not use this time to take the pledge to go vegan today? The best part is that when you stop eating meat, dairy products and eggs, not only will you notice a boost in energy and an overall improvement in your health, you’ll also help to stop animal suffering and environmental destruction and take a bite out of world hunger – all at the same time!

Check out the great recipes on our US affiliate’s website. If you want tips on making the transition to a vegan diet and lifestyle, then you’ll definitely want a copy of our popular vegetarian/vegan starter kit.

During Ramadan – or at any time of year – the more we extend our circle of compassion, the more everyone benefits. Whether Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jain or Jewish, let’s live our lives compassionately – starting by choosing compassion every time we sit down to eat.