PETA Says Avoid Eggs This Easter

Posted on by PETA

Easter.JPGEggs Are Not Egg-xactly Vegetarian, say PETA Activists, while they demonstrated in Thiruvanathapuram on the 4th of April.

A human-sized chick emerged from an egg as PETA volunteers distributed leaflets to reveal the cruelty to chickens in modern animal factories and show how people can help stop it. To produce eggs, the birds spend their entire lives in battery cages housed in dark, crowded sheds, where they are treated as egg-laying machines. When they reach the egg-laying stage, they are subjected to harsh and continuous light, sometimes for up to 22 hours a day. After their tired and worn-out bodies stop laying eggs and are no longer useful for egg production, they are sold for slaughter. Even you can take a stand to stop this mindless cruelty.

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